Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hunter Wellies DIY

When I first saw these shockingly white Hunter Wellies, I was actually blinded. So. White. My first thought was, boy those would get SO dirty. My next thought was to draw all over them! I'm new to the whole DIY scene, but seeing these gave me inspiration. I have yet to actually try it out, but I thought I should share my idea with the blog world.

Step 1: Take a pair of white Hunter Wellies.

Step 2: Draw, Design, CREATE. Anything will do. I would use sharpies and just start doodling.

Step 3: Spray with clear acrylic spray.

*This particular spray is a matte finish, but a gloss would look nice too.

VIOLA. Your very own pair of unique rain boots.

**It would be wise to do a test spot first. Hunter boots don't grow on trees.

1 comment:

  1. You are too fabulous, miss thing! What a wonderful DIY.

